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           Welcome to

                Norton First United 

                Methodist Church

                       805 W Wilberforce St

                       Norton, KS 67654





     Pastor Darlene Sheffer













Pastor Darlene's cell phone: 785-874-8811

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Family Fellowship Dinner for Pastor Darlene:  July 9, 2023


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Committee Meeting Times

Education Work Area & Library: 1st Wed. of mo. @ 6:00 pm

Finance:  2nd Wed. of mo. @ 5:30 pm

Board of Trustees:  2nd Wed. of mo. @ 6:30

Worship: 3rd Sunday of mo. right after worship service

Church Council:  3rd Wed. of mo. at 6:00

All other committee meetings scheduled at call by chair



Our Mission
With grace we reach up--who does God say I am?
With God's mercy we reach in--How is your relationship with God?
Loving we reach out with the love of Christ--What is my mission as a child of God?
Today I come seeking you Lord with all my heart, with all my strength and with all my mind.  
Here me Oh Lord.  Amen

Pastor: Rev. Darlene Sheffer

   Sunday Services:  8:00 am  & 10:30 am 

Children's Sunday School:  10:45

KQNK Radio Broadcast at 11:00 am

Live Stream:Connect to our Facebook page: Norton FUMC church @ 10:30


          Fax # 785-877-3609                Church Office:  785-877-2196         

   Pastor Cell#  785-874-8811                                                       Pastor e-mail:

Our new Pastors's first day to preach was Sunday, July 2nd. NFUMC continues to pray for a strong relationship between Pastor Darlene and our church so that we may become the church God intends for us with His blessings and for us to be a blessing to others.

Meet Pastor Darlene Sheffer:

We are blessed with a long-awaited pastor!  July 1, Pastor Darlene Sheffer will become pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Norton.  She was born in Baltimore and grew up in Pasadena, Maryland (40 miles from Washington, DC), where she attended the Methodist Church and was baptized and confirmed.  Being a pastors a second career for Pastor Darlene.  She has an Associate of Arts degree from Anne Arundel Community College, a Bachelor of Science degree from Salisbury University with a major in biology and a Master of Administrative Science degree from John Hopkins University.  She has worked at KU and K-state in research science and lived about half of her life in Kansas.  

When she felt God calling her to become a Pastor, she went to Saint Paul School of Theology and earned a Master of Divinity degree.  She has been a Pastor in the Great Plains Conference since 2015 and was ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist Church and a member of the Great Plains Conference in 2022.  Pastor Darlene enjoys nature and nature photography.  She is a book lover and finds it hard to resist being books; she also enjoys puzzles, board games and movies. 

                  Pastoral Care

Andbe Home visits and services: (Ministerial Alliance) , by Pastor Darlene:  Dates TBA

Norton Telegram Sermon by Pastor Darlene:


Hospital Pastoral Care:  (Ministerial Alliance) 


Please call Pastor Darlene  at the church office

 785-877-2196   or her cell:  785-874-8811   

 if you are in need of Pastoral Care or conference.


Prayer Chain Requests:  call David  & Virginia Will 877-2341 

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