How you can
donate and
help Norton
First United
Methodist Church

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. Proverbs 3:9
Ways you can give:
In Person
Mail gift to NFUMC
805 W Wilberforce
Norton, KS 67654
c/o Finance Secretary
Please join us for either the 8:00 or 10:30 am church service and share your gifts during presentation of the offering.
You may give your offering online by connecting to
Select Norton FUMC
Set up an account on a regular or a one-time gift
Another option: add Tithe.ly app to your phone
Norton FUMC Capital Campaign
Our mission is to “Reach up, Reach In and Reach Out with the love of Jesus Christ.”
Together we have accomplished so much and yet we are only beginning to fulfill the potential of our congregation’s vision and all the people who are touched by it.
Capital Campaign Contributions
: Designate your gift for "Capital Campaign"
Mail: 805 W Wilberforce, Norton KS 67654
In person :Stop by the office or join us for the 8:00 or 10:30 am church service
Online: Connect to tithe.ly/give (set up acct & donate)