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Ministries &
Join us! Call Church Office
(785-877-2196) if you are interested in
participating or volunteering with
any of these ministries
Norton FUMC Choir
NFUMC Bell Choir

Practice ea wk
Wed. 7:00 pm

Thrift Shop
206 N 2nd, Norton KS 785-877-3537
Monday-Friday 10:00am to 1:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 12:00 pm
Coordinator: Trudy Stockham
Interested in volunteering? call 785-871-0158
Organized in 1974 & since the opening, $733,205 has been given to different mission projects.
All workers are volunteer and monies after expenses are for local, national & world mission.
Items for sale are donations from local community
Mission funds have been shared with: The Rock; Ministerial Alliance; God's Pantry; Norton Cares; Mercy Ships; Compassion Int.; Cross lines; UM open door; Youthville and many more.

NOW Committee
Nurture, Outreach & Witness
Welcome Folders & Bookmarks
College care pkgs. & encouragement
FRAN event: Friends, Relatives & Neighbors
Burden Bears to welcome/encourage
Swaddle program for NCH infants
Musical Lamb for infant baptism
Card Ministry for shut-ins/special occasions & prayers
KQNK (radio ministry) weekly worship service
Missions Committee
Envelope Giving Sundays
UMCOR: March
Native American Ministries Sunday: May
World Communion Sunday: October
United Methodist Student Day: November
Other Mission Projects
Mission Sunday Event: March/April​
Blanket Sunday: September
Red Bird Mission Donations: November
MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers
Operation Christmas Child Community Project

Community Partnerships & Ministries
New addition NKESC play area in
coordination with community fundraisers

Location for NKESC Headstart Program: Full Day center-based program 2019-2020 school year
Kid's Cafe: Location for Kansas Food Bank free summer lunches for kids
Sponsor "Community Unity" & partner with NCHS SADD to serve dessert at annual tailgate on 9/20/19
MOPs (Mothers with Preschoolers) meets 2nd Sat. each month in Fellowship Hall. Childcare provided.
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
United Women in Faith
UMW Faith Hope Love in Action
United Women in Faith: 2nd Thursday ea. month@ 1:30
Anna Mary Circle: 4th Thursday 9:30
United Women in Faith is a community of women whose purpose is to know God & to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of missions through participation in the global
ministries of the church.
United Methodist Men
Meet for Breakfast @ 7:00 am
at Town & Country 3rd
Saturday ea. month or TBA
Methodist Men Toy Show
Chili Cookoff
Church building & grounds projects
Sponsor multiple missions within church
Heading 5

Do you feel called to serve on a Church Committee?
Committees: Finance, Board of Trustees, NOW, Missions, Library, Worship, SPPR, Scholarship,
Church Council, Christian Education, Investments, Nomination, Chicken Noodle/Radio Ministry & Living Nativity
Call the Church Office 785-877-2196 or Pastor Eve 785-871-8811 & Sign UP!!
" For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

Living Nativity Annual Live Production for Community

December Date TBA
Join in this production! Call office 785-877-2196

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