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What's Happening?


Jesus called,  "Come along with me and I will show you how to fish for the souls of men!"

                 Matthew 4:19

We are an active church with many Christian Fellowship and Discipleship events. Please join us and bring your family! Call church office if you have questions:  785-877-2196


Don't Miss Our Coming Events:
2023 Chili Cookoff Awards New Winners!

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your                                                          




    Anna Lively  

    2020 Hottest

  Chili Champion


     text and edit me. It's easy.

Worship @
Prairie Dog Lake 
Pavilion & Potluck Picnic

When the weather gets warm, our NFUMC family loves to have our worship service at Sebelius Lake.  Photos are of past services.


NFUM enjoyed an engaging  message by Lay Leaders, beautiful weather,  moving (and grooving) music and Christian fellowship.   Following the church service, we shared a potluck meal---Norton Methodists and food are always a memorable  & blessed event.

Ice Cream Churn-off                  Champion

Just like the delicious different flavors of ice cream......

"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of god."  1Peter 4:10



Free will offering taken for Mission Shares.

Cheri Brooks wins 2nd year in a row

with her Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Hayrack Ride & Cookout:  Sept. 15, 2019 @ Menaghs'


Locksmith Tricks!

Food,  Fun & Fellowship

Norton FUMC's trademark!

Norton FUMC Hosted Annual Event:

United Methodist Women District Meeting:  Sept. 28, 2019

UMW Faith Hope Love in Action

  • 150 year birthday party for UMW

  • Thursday Evening dinner for District officers

  • Friday AM  annual meeting and Luncheon



Almena Sister Church Service October 13, 2019

Thank you for your hospitality."Above all, love each other deeply..." 1 Peter 4:8

Annual Trunk or Treat!
Oct. 31, 2019...500 treaters & a ton of fun@
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Norton First United Methodist Church

Write Us


 805 W. Wilberforce

 Norton, KS  67654


 Church Office:   785-877-2196 

 Pastor Darlene's Cell:  785-874-8811




Online Giving:  connect to 

set up acct. & designate your gift

to the Norton First United Methodist Church.







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2019 Norton First United Methodist Church. Proudly created with

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