About Us
Pastor Darlene Sheffer
Norton FUMC Staff
Christian Education Coordinator
Connie Green
Office Manager
Josie & Terry Logeman
Norton FUMC Body of Christ
Lay Leaders: Margaret Thomas, Suzi Koch, Kandis Jackson
Walking Tacos For NCHS High School Students: 11:30-12:30 pm
All high school students are invited for free walking taco lunch, come and go, in the fellowship hall.
All food donations are supplied by members of NFUMC congregation.
Thrift Shop
NFUMC Music Department
Summer Special Music: David Will, Music coordinator offers the invitation to anyone that would like to share special music during the summer months. Call him @ 785-877-2341
During the school year, David leads our Choir each Sunday during the 10:30 service. Practice is @ 7:00pm on Wednesdays.
Summer 2023 Kid's Cafe free lunch program distributed at Norton First United Methodist Church.
Pick up of week's food bags is on Mondays from 12:15-12:45.
This is a non-denominational program funded by the Norton Hospital Foundation Grant.